World Peace

Peace! Every individual wants peace in life. All saints from all religion, all responsible citizens of all countries wish that their country is peaceful. Every year thousands of conferences take place on peace, national peace or world peace. There are programmes made to promote peace. Social media is overloaded with messages of world peace. But where is peace hiding? Where could it be found? How? Who will find it? Would it be found just talking about this? Or one can purchase peace on shelf of a departmental store? Is peace available in exchange with money? Is it hiding in spiritual practice? Is it hiding in religious rituals? Can entertainment bring peace? Can education bring peace in educated individuals? Can a doctor inject peace in human physiology? Can defence forces create peace utilizing muscles or arms? Can peace be established though enforcing Law by appropriate authorities? Can peace be established through Judiciary? No end to questions. And......
No one knows the answer. Then why so much talk and noise is created in the name of individual peace, peace in society or in village or in city or in state or in a country or in the world family? It's just the fashion or confusion? Those who talk about peace, are considered to be gentle or good or responsible citizens in their area. Not knowing what the peace is, not knowing it's in and out, not knowing the theory of peace and not having any idea about creating or establishing peace in their own life, they keep on talking about peace.
Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations states that one of the purposes of the United Nations is to "bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace."
Article 33 of the Charter is for the prevention of conflict and the peaceful settlement of disputes. Parties to an international dispute have access to diverse measures and mechanisms for dispute resolution, including negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement and resort to regional agencies or arrangements.
As per UNO, establishing rule of law institutions is vital to ensuring immediate security and the necessary stability for peacebuilding to take root. Strong justice and corrections institutions, together with accountable police and law enforcement agencies, which fully respect human rights, are critical for restoring peace and security in the immediate post-conflict period. They allow for perpetrators of crimes to be brought to justice, encourage the peaceful resolution of disputes and restore trust and social cohesion based on equal rights. Establishing such conditions is equally important to peace and security and to sustainable development.
Peace is defined in different way by different people:
- Freedom from disturbance.
- Freedom from war and violence, especially when people live and work together happily without disagreements.
- The state of not being interrupted or annoyed by worry, problems, noise, or unwanted actions.
- Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there's no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom.
- The peace element signifies one's own peace and being of a good mind and the ability to use our minds to negotiate rather than going to war. In order to have peace, one must have balance in their life with health of mind and body. This peace allows one the good mind needed for the next principle, power.
Generally, peace is classified into two types: Internal peace and External peace
Internal peace is called by another word inner peace, which is peace of mind or soul. It is a state of calm, serenity and tranquillity of mind that arise due to having no sufferings or mental disturbances such as worry, anxiety, greed, desire, hatred, ill-will, delusion and/or other defilements. Internal peace is peace within oneself; it is derived from practicing or training of mind or consciousness of an individual. Internal peace is essential; it is generally regarded as true peace and as a real foundation of peace in society or peace in the world.
Internal peace influences external peace. It is like a big building which has to be grounded or constructed by the first brick. Peace is also built likewise. World peace and other levels of external peace, if we wish it to become a permanent one, should be grounded on the real internal peace of man's heart, mind and consciousness. Famous statement of UNESCO says—Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed. It refers to the importance of internal peace as a true foundation of peace in society. In this point, Dalai Lama too said the same thing: We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.
External peace is peace that occurs in society, nations and the world; it is a normal state of society, countries and the world and it is a state of peaceful and happy co-existence of people as well as nature. External peace, in order to see it clearly, can be described in its negative and positive sense as follows; negative sense: the absence of war, hostility, agitation, social disorder, disturbances, social injustice, social inequality, violence, violation of human rights, riot, terrorism, ecological imbalance, etc., positive sense: a state of social harmony, social justice, social equality, friendship or friendly relation, concord, public order and security, respect for human rights and ecological balance, etc. external peace is the absence of all social evils as well as the presence of all social virtues.
Internal peace and external peace are interrelated. Both are interdependent and help support each other. Internal peace represents individual's peace while external peace represents peace in society.
Peace is also likewise. Internal peace is the core, the essence and the firm foundation of external peace. The former guarantees and sustains the latter. If each individual is at peace, society combined with each peaceful individual, has peace too. On the contrary, external peace in the sense of peaceful society or good society has an important role in supporting an individual to get inner peace. That is, if there are no wars, conflicts, violence, harming, killing and so on in the society, people in such society will have peace within themselves. It is because there is nothing to disturb their minds. They have a good society or a good environment to develop themselves in order to obtain inner peace. Therefore, internal peace and external peace are interrelated; both are mutually beneficent.
The Vedas and Vedic Literature is full of knowledge of peace and it teaches peace and universal brotherhood. Truth is the basic element of peace. Veda converses peace not only for the human society but for the whole universe. "May sky be peaceful, may atmosphere be peaceful, may earth be peaceful, may waters be peaceful, may medicinal herbs be peaceful, may plants be peaceful. May all the learned person be peaceful, May God and the Vedas be peaceful. May all the objects be peaceful; may peace itself be peaceful. May that peace come onto me."
"May the shining firmament be peace showering to us. May the earth be peace-giving and the vast mid regions be blissful, may the waters of the ocean with high tides peaceful and the herbs may also a source of calmness for us."
"Herb in my heart, are these five sense-organs with mind, as the sixth ones, which are strengthened and sharpened by Vedic lore and celibacy. By these very organs, by which are created terrific situations, may peace and happiness be brought to us."
"May oxygen, with a great affinity to combine with other elements like a friend be peaceful to us. May hydrogen, the source of water, be comfortable to us. May the sun, making the living of all creatures possible, be pleasant to us. May death be possible. All the atmosphere be peaceful. May all the planets, moving in the heavens shower peace and tranquillity on us."
Adding to the universal peace, Vedas emphasizes on the brotherhood and love. Let the earth, the atmosphere, the heavens, the waters, the herbs, the plants and trees all the radiant things be each a source of peace and comfort for me. May all the learned people bless me with peace, comfort and happiness, through all means of pacification. May I attain perfect state of calmness by all and sundry means of peace. Whatever there is in this world, terrific, whatever there is cruel in this world, whatsoever there is evil in this world; let all that be harmless for us. It does not say to be harmful to anything or to anyone. O God, the dispeller of ignorance and darkness, strengthen me, may all beings regard me with the eye of a friend. May I regard all beings with the eye of a friend. With the eye of a friend do we regard one another.
Veda talks for the control of mind or self-control for the peace. Cause of the war and conflicts are passion caused by the sense organs. Samaveda says, "These lovely organs, longing for the proximity of the soul, in their search for essence, strengthen knowledge. Thy create asceticism, the killer of desires. The soul forces reside in it, under its brilliant control."
Upanishad also discusses about the world peace and humanity, "Together may he protect us, together may passes us, together may we make un to us strength and virility! May what we have studied be full to us of light and power! May we never hate."
Gita is known as the culmination point of the Vedas and Upanishads. It is known as the conclusion of human knowledge. Gita also focuses on the self-realization. Gita emphasizes on the self-control for getting peace and happiness. Self-control leads to Peace and Happiness. The self-restrained man moving among objects with senses under the control of his own self, free from attachment and aversion, attains to tranquillity, in which comes the end of all his sufferings; for the understanding (Buddhi) of him whose mind is tranquil quickly becomes well-settled (in Wisdom).
Vedic literature has got more in-depth knowledge about life, world and has universal quality. It teaches peace. In fact, we can say that it is a real philosophy of peace as well a way of true life. It has shown the self-realization as the way to peace.
Fundamentally, peace has to be viewed as a matter of over-all perception of life, in all its diverse, multifarious dimensions and ramifications - realizing and understanding oneself and one's real identity, understanding the essentials, goals and objectives of life, grasping fully one's role and position in the entire set-up and, above all, one's relationship with the rest of one's fellow beings. If one went about it in all seriousness and sincerity, one would find two things standing out most conspicuously, namely, that man is a far richer and bigger entity than he imagines himself to be and that he is joined with the whole mankind in unbreakable bonds of unity and togetherness. With this realization is bound to dawn on the mental horizon a new awakening, a new approach and outlook on life. As such, one would shake and shed much of one's selfishness and petty-mindedness and start functioning on a much higher and bigger plane. One would adopt an attitude of perfect understanding and sympathy with one's fellow beings and the whole environment would don the apparel of amiability to such a being.
The obstacles to self-realization are the stresses of the personal will. The stresses come from violation of Natural Law. Stresses can be overcome only by replacement of the selfish will by one that is personal and universalized. This stage is Knowledge, which has seat in fourth state of consciousness-Transcendental Consciousness. And how to have it? His Holiness Maharishi Yogi Ji has given a very simple, natural and effortless technique of Transcendental Meditation.
There is an incurable dissatisfaction in the world which is being realized by the people of the present civilization. Every man realizes it at some stage of his life that there is no meaning to live this life in the conflict. Such feelings come because of the life in material world. There remains a sense of non-fulfilment in life while living with the material pleasures of the world. However, every religion has realized this factor and their teachings are directing for peace and harmony. Religious conception of the life is different than the political and material conception. Religion advocates the mental peace and inner happiness in an individual and ultimately in the world. The essence of a religion consists in awakening men to consciousness of the uncertainty of worldly things and in initiating him to struggle for attaining a real happiness and peace in life. Here comes the role of spirituality, which leads individual towards following his religion with true sense, and once he follows the religion properly, peace dawns in his personal life and collectively in the society.
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji has worked for over 50 years to design and gift the programmes of creating world Peace. Now finally, we are going to implement Maharishi Ji's plans and we expect to witness dawn of World Peace very soon.