९८९३७००७४६, ९४२५६७५४८५, ०७५५-४०९७२०७
  wp9000info@mssmail.org MVM's Careers

Daily Routine for Peaceful Life

The group at the Brahmasthan will be dedicated to create coherence (sattwa) in collective consciousness of the nation and the world. The daily routine of the group will be:

Getting ready 6 am
Morning Sadhna (2 hours) 6.15 AM
20 minutes Yogasanas
10 minutes Pranayam
20 minutes Transcendental Meditation (TM)
20 minutes Siddhi Sutras
30 minutes Yogic Flying
10 minutes rest
10 minutes TM
Breakfast 8.15 AM to 8.45 AM
Morning Yagyanushthan 9.15 AM to 12.15 PM
Lunch 12.45 PM to 1.45 PM
Knowledge session or work 2.00 PM to 4.30 PM
Tea break 4.30 PM to 4.45 PM
Walk and Talk or rest 5.00 PM to 5.45 PM
Evening Sadhna (1.30 hours) 6.00 PM
05 minutes Yogasanas
05 minutes Pranayam
20 minutes Transcendental Meditation (TM)
20 minutes Siddhi Sutras
30 minutes Yogic Flying
10 minutes rest
Dinner 7.45 PM to 8.45 PM
Evening light activities 9.00 PM to 9.30 PM


  • The routine may be changed time to time as per the season and assigned work.
  • Participants will have to follow routine strictly for their maximum benefit.
  • The campus of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University is in walking distance of the Peace Group campus. Participants may choose any course out of about 60 courses offered by the university and gain knowledge and receive degree/ diploma/certificate.