Terms & Conditions

- The Participant should apply for participation in the prescribed application form with complete details.
- The Participants should be between the ages 21 and 65 on the date of application.
- The Participants should have sound physical and mental health. They will have to bring a certificate of the same from a qualified MD General Physician.
- The Participant should have enough balance in his/her bank account equivalent to the amount of contribution minimum for one year period. If he/she does not have the amount in his/her personal account then he/she should produce a signed sponsorship letter in prescribed format. They should submit a bank statement in support.
The Participant should clearly mention in the form under which category of living he/she wants to live in campus. There are three categories:
- "A" Contribution Rs. 20,000 per month. This is for Air Conditioned shared room with twin beds and attached bathroom.
- "B" Contribution Rs. 15,000 per month. This is air cooled (in summer only) shared room with twin beds and attached bathroom.
- "C" Contribution Rs. 10,000 per month. This is for non-AC/Cooler shared room with four beds in a room (rooms are of very big size) and shared bathroom. Cooler for summer will cost extra Rs. 1500 (one thousand five hundred) per month.
- Room heater/oil radiator will cost extra Rs. 1500 (one thousand five hundred) per month for winter.
- Contribution will have to be paid on 1st of each calendar month in advance.
- In case individuals want to participant in this programme but are unable to pay, they can find sponsor(s), who could be their friends, relatives or those who support such programme.
- Basic medical facilities will be available through a medical room. For any advanced medical care, the organisation has a tie-up with private hospitals in the surrounding area. Participant will have to pay all expenses for private medical care. The other option is to choose a government medical facility nearby. All medicines charges have to be paid by the Participant. It is suggested that participants should have medical insurance from a good insurance company covering the maximum health care requirement.
- Participants should bring and keep enough stock of the medicines they need on regular basis.
- A small gift shop is available on the premises. Participants may purchase items of daily need (snacks biscuits, tooth brush, toothpaste, soap, hair oil or massage oil, mineral water, juice cold drinks etc.) from this shop on payment.
- RO drinking water will be available at a number of places on the campus. If participants want to drink bottled mineral water, they need to purchase it from the gift shop.
- Dignified clothing is required in the campus. Simple light colour kurta, pajama, pant, shirt, jacket, coat, shawl, sweater, pullover, scarf, cap, hand gloves for gents and sari set, salwar suit, jacket, cardigan, sweater, shawl, cap, hand gloves for ladies shall be allowed. Leather clothing and undignified clothing are not allowed.
- Simple blankets and quilts in winter will be available. If there is any special requirement, participants should bring with them.
- Laundry service will be available at a reasonable cost. Dry cleaning facility is not available in the campus.
- Pure vegetarian food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will be available and be served in the dining rooms only. If food is required at any other time, it should be arranged by the participants. It will not be allowed to take food from the dining room to the bedroom. Non-vegetarian (including egg and fish) food is not allowed on campus. Consumption of alcoholic drinks, tobacco, paan masala and any non-prescribed drugs is strictly prohibited in the campus.
- Campus is secured with boundary walls and security guards but participants are requested to take care of security of their own belongings. They should keep their room locked and never leave it open. Management will not be responsible for the loss of any items from their rooms. Management suggests not to bring expensive items or jewelry with them. It is also suggested not to keep lot of cash in the room. There are ATM machines in the local village.
- Rooms will have a bed, side table, almirah, chair, couch, writing table and luggage rack for each participant. In case of other furniture required in room, participants can get on rent from the store.
- Participants should put off all lights while moving out of their room to save electricity and avoid any short circuit.
- Halls will be assigned for different activities like Yoga and Pranayam practice, Meditation, TM-Siddhi Programme, Yogic Flying, Yagyanushthan, recreation activities. Participants will attend the activities in these halls only.
- No guest is allowed in the campus. This is due to safety and security of participants. There will be a guest house outside the campus, where guests can stay for maximum 3 days on payment of nominal daily charges. Participants will have to go to a meeting area to meet their guests.
- There is no provision of leave or absence from the campus. In very exceptional and emergency cases, the participant may be allowed to leave campus, however the leave/absence cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
- Participants who will stay for one full year and subsequent years, may leave the campus for a maximum 30 days in a year on a rotation basis; thereby the required number of 9000 is always maintained in the campus.
- In case of any discomfort, or complaint or grievance, Participants will report to the In-charge officer for his/her group. In no case groupism, politics, or self-action against fellow Participants will be allowed.
- All Participants have to follow recommended daily routine strictly without failure or excuse.
- All Participants must be cordial and supportive to all other Participants and support staff at campus. Healthy discipline is a key feature of Maharishi Organisation.
- In case of violation of any rules or terms and condition, or act of indiscipline or on creating any kind of disturbance for other participants in campus or on misbehaving with any of the worker or official of the organisation, management will immediately ask participant to leave the campus. Decision of Chairman of management committee will be final in this case.
- Submitting the application or request for participation does not mean selection in the Group. A committee will conduct an interview and if found suitable, will issue a letter of invitation to join the group. The Committee will have sole discretion in selecting or rejecting any applicant and its decision shall be final and binding.
- In case of any dispute, all cases will be under jurisdiction of Jabalpur High Court.